Friday, May 21, 2010

School's Out for the Summer!

School's out for the summer! Yippie!!

About two years ago, my husband and I decided to go back school, after many, many, many, many, many years. Too many to admit to here. It was a scary decision to make but with the economy tanking, we thought we both better have a backup plan in case we were out of a job without a college degree.

So, we have been back to school and it has been a struggle for some of the classes, being a little dusty with the whole studying and doing homework thing. I was not a fan of school back then and am still not a fan now but it is a necessary evil. I just keep the end result in mind when I am pulling my hair out during this process.

Yikes! That lady is scary!

Some of you will laugh when I tell you that we are only taking one class a semester but we wanted to start off slow to get back into the swing of things. Plus, we are grownups with grownup bills to pay and full time jobs. Also, school is expensive. Dang! Really expensive.

The only problem is that at this rate, we will be 92 when we finish. Well, not quite 92, but it sometimes feels that way. We figure, we will be done in 2013. However, that is only for the first degree. We then want to continue with the next degree. Uh, maybe we will be 92. Think anyone will hire us at 92?

I don't know but I hope we look a little happier than this couple. Jeez. Crack a smile, will ya?

Anyway, our class just ended this week and we are excited about a little break before starting again. How come when I was younger, summer vacation seemed to last FOREVER but now it seems like it lasts about 10 days?

Attention young people: go to college straight after high school. You're brain tends to slow down as you get older and its takes a lot more work to learn new things and remember them.


  1. Kudos to you both! And yes, you are truly an inspiration with the best advice ever for your kids.

  2. Thanks, Grandma J! It's been a struggle but I know it will be worth the time and effort.
