Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Childhood Memories - Source of Entertainment

I was a weird kid but after speaking with my husband about this, he was weird too because he did something similar. That's probably why we are together. It's the whole "birds of feather..." thing, I guess.

Anyway, when I was younger, probably about 5 or 6, I got a real kick out of viewing my kitchen upside down. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Yeah, whatever. Don't spoil my fond memory, please.

We had orange, cushy chairs in the kitchen (this was the 70's people) that would spin around. Very similar to these but bright orange:

I would lie on my back, stare up at the ceiling and pretend that the ceiling was the floor and vice versa. I would imagine walking around on the ceiling, opening up the cabinet doors and walking through doorways to other rooms. However, I could never figure out how I would use the sink without making a mess.

This would last about 30 seconds (remember I was 5 or 6 and my attention span was rather short). Then, I would flip over on my stomach and start to spin the chair around until everything got really blurry. I would use the legs of the chair to push myself faster and faster. If I would have fallen off at any point, I would have gone flying across the room. (My mother thinks that I actually did fly off a few times and hit my head. She says this would explain a few things. My mother thinks she's a comedian sometimes.)

Dramatization of what could have happened.

Note: As you look at this picture, you will see two things. 1) Even as I fly across the room, I do it with style, waving as I fly by. 2) I still have my McDonald's uniform on. My mother put me to work young to contribute to the family money pool. It was okay though because I could eat French fries all night long (I had to work the night shift because I had to go to school).

This spinning around would last a few minutes until my stomach started to get upset with me (after eating French fries all night, yours would too). I would then get up, try to walk without falling, and go to the living room to sit down until I felt better.

Usually, it would take about 10 to 15 minutes for the nausea to fade and then I would start the process all over again. It was a blast!

What can I say? It didn't take much to entertain me then. It still doesn't.

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