Wish List Wednesday will be a weekly post about things on my wish list. There will be a variety of items that range from really cheap to there is no way I will ever have that. So, it's part wish list, part dream list.
This is a Kindle Wireless Reading device that can be found at Amazon
. This one has a 6" diagonal screen and can hold 1,500 books. It is currently selling for $259.00. They also have a newer version with a 9.7" diagonal screen, which can hold 3,500 books. This one has a much higher price at $489.00. You can then purchase books and audio books, in addition to subscriptions to newspapers, magazines, and blogs. There's a lot more technical mumble jumble that I won't tell you about because I'll sound like an idiot.
I love this. I have a thing for gadgets and this would be awesome to have, especially when traveling. The only problem is that I haven't read a book in years. Yes, people you read that correctly. Then, why in the world would you even be thinking about buying this you ask? Well, I love reading books. I used to read every single night, sometimes for several hours at a time. However, I have become a television and computer junky. I now find myself having way too many shows to watch and too much to look at online to even have time to crack open a book. I have had the same book sitting on my nightstand for about three years now and I don't think I have gotten past Chapter 2. Pathetic! So, if I were to purchase this, I would actually have to make time to read. That would probably be a good thing.
Anybody out there have one and care to share if you love it or hate it?
I'm totally with you on the whole being in love with the Kindle despite not... actually... reading many books anymore either. The first raving I heard about Kindle was from the xkcd blog where Randall Munroe is apparently a big fan of it: http://blog.xkcd.com/2009/02/25/kindle-2/
ReplyDeleteBuying a Kindle when you're a sporadic reader does sound a little silly doesn't it? I figure if I spend all that money for one of these, I would be more inspired.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the link. I will check it out.