Yet another blogger. Just what the world needs, right? What kind of captivating, exciting ramblings will I have to share? Not sure yet but you will probably find a variety of random thoughts and opinions that are currently floating around in my head. So let’s get started, shall we?
What's on my mind right now are my annoying neighbors. Anyone have one? No? Oh, consider yourself very lucky. I unfortunately live in an apartment with cardboard walls. In the past hour, as I am trying to live out my dream as being the world's best couch potato, I have had the pleasure of hearing doors slamming.

The slamming is hard enough to make things on the wall vibrate. Once? Twice? Oh, no. I wish I were that lucky. Ten to fifteen times sounds about right. No exaggerating here. I am blessed to have to deal with this on a daily basis, all day and all night. Can you tell me why people need to go in and out of their home that many times in an hour because I can’t figure it out. What in the world are they doing? Running out to their garage? Running out to their car? Running around the apartment? WHAT ARE THEY DOING AND WHY DO THEY HAVE TO SLAM THE DOOR EVERY SINGLE TIME???
If that wasn’t enough, they are annoyingly loud talkers and shouters. They aren’t fighting mind you but it’s the kind of shouting you might hear when people are watching a football game and someone just made a touchdown.

Are these people watching football all the time or are they just that excited about everything? SHUT THE HELL UP OVER THERE!! Seriously.
Wait! It doesn’t end there. Someone over there likes to play music, practice playing his guitar and blasting video games. LOUDLY.

Their favorite times are late at night or early in the morning. Yeah! Fun. Especially when you hear the same song, over and over and over and over and over and over. I’m tempted to send them a CD just to change it up a little. Think they would mind if I put in a request since I’m part of the audience? TURN THAT CRAP DOWN PLEASE!! Thank you.
And just when you thought I was done… Have you ever had a neighbor that sounded like they were banging on walls or throwing things around all the time? Welcome to my world. Are they doing construction over there? Maybe wrestling matches? Rearranging furniture? Please tell me what you are constantly doing that makes so much noise.
Dear neighbor,
How long are you planning on living here? Not long I hope. Home is supposed to be a place to relax after a long day at work. It would nice if you would maybe think about someone other than yourself. It’s called consideration. Look it up in the dictionary please and start practicing. In case you weren't aware of this, I would like to inform you that you are not the only one that lives here.
Your pissed off neighbor.
Bitch session over. Thanks for listening.
Note to self: Next post needs to be about puppies, sunshine, or other happy thoughts for a little balance (or so people don't think you are a crabby old bat).
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