Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can I Get Over My Fear?

Let me first give a little background information before I get to the point of this post.

I don't like insects or bugs. At the top of my list are centipedes, closely followed by grasshoppers. Now I'm sure I could add many, many more but those are the ones that I have personally had contact with. To be completely honest with you, I am TERRIFIED of centipedes. So terrified, I will actually scream when I see one. If one of those creepy, million legged creatures actually crawled on me... Hold on, hold on, I just need to take a few minutes to relax and calm down.

Ouch! Well, that wasn't very relaxing. (Side note here: Is this position even humanly possible? Seriously.) Anyway, back to the bugs. So, I am terrified of centipedes and when I have the misfortunate task of removing one from a wall, I have to squint my eyes real tight until they are practically closed (I don't want to actually see one up close you know) and slowly inch my way towards it. I have to repeat these steps over and over because as soon as I inch closer, I jump back and dance around like my feet are on fire.

I can jump that high, oh yes I can! Back to the story... At this point, I am still at least 10 feet away from one. If I cannot muster up the courage, I have been known to keep my eyes on it from afar and wait until someone else can handle the situation. I am not kidding when I say I have waited at least an hour on some occasions. Yes, I have. So, by now I hope you understand how strong my fears are.

O.k., so after all that, now the point of this post. Still awake? So, I currently live in Wisconsin and I'm not a big fan. Hate, hate, hate the snow and cold weather. My husband and I would eventually like to move somewhere warmer. In doing some research on different places, we are really liking the idea of Texas. Unfortunately, during my research, I found out that it is not uncommon to find several different creatures in or around your house. THIS IS ONE OF THEM:

Oh, have mercy, help me! And how large are these monsters you ask? Only around six inches long!

If that wasn't bad enough, it is also not uncommon to find one of these inside your home.

Oh, but they are so small and they are more afraid of you than you are of them. Oh, I don't think so! There seems to be conflicting reports on how some people never see these two creatures and others find several a month, all depending on where you live. Well, I want to know where they are NOT, please, and I want a guarantee. And to top it all off, I am not even going to talk about the snakes and tarantulas. I am not.

So, my dilemma is can I possibly trade in cold weather for all this? Is my sanity worth it? Do I need to start drinking alcohol, and a lot of it, in order to deal with it? I just don't know if I can do it. 

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