Monday, March 29, 2010

Exercise? What's That?

Sigh... Exercise is something that people either hate or love. I fall in the hate group and I hate it with a passion. Why? Well, the honest answer is that I am LAZY and I'm not afraid to admit it. 

When I hear people tell me how great exercise makes them feel, I just don't understand. All exercise makes me feel is sweaty, tired and annoyed. I don't get that burst of energy or feel all warm and fuzzy when I exercise. Someone please explain this me.

My mother for one, who is a very active 70 something year old woman, puts me to shame. She has a membership to a gym and works out there several days a week. She spends four or five HOURS walking, swimming, and doing other exercises. She LOVES how it makes her feel and bums out when she has to skip a day. I DON'T GET IT!

I, on the other hand, am the complete opposite. Over the past 20 years, I have attempted numerous exercise routines and different eating plans on and off.

My last attempt was in 2005, about a year before my wedding. Yes, that is the last time I exercised, thank you. Anyway, my last attempt was successful and I met my goal but I fought it every step of the way. It took every ounce of energy and control to drag my butt to the treadmill and to stay on it for more than 2 minutes.

Well, since then my eating habits have gone down the drain and my only exercise is walking to the refrigerator.

See, now that's my idea of exercise! Pathetic. Currently, I'm about one size larger than I'd like to be. So, not a lot but still enough not to be happy.

So, ugh, time for attempt number 382.

Last time, changing my eating habits wasn't too difficult. I just focused on the healthy foods that I liked and cut out the unhealthy foods. So that part of the plan wasn't too much of a struggle. Over time, the unhealthy foods just kind of slowly snuck back in, one cookie at a time.

It's just the darn exercise that is the issue. Anyone have any tips on trying to stay motivated (besides the end result of having a cute butt)? What has worked for those who also hate to exercise? Help!!!

1 comment:

  1. I hear you loud and clear. I just signed up for aqua kills me to go, but so far so good. ugh, hopefully I'll learn to like it.
