Sunday, March 14, 2010

I Want My Hour Back!

Daylight Saving Time ("Saving", not "Savings" people) began today and I want my hour back! I DON'T LIKE losing an hour of sleep. I get so little of it to begin with and I want every single hour I can get! This is how I function with little sleep:

I don't really care about an extra hour of daylight. I'm a night person so it doesn't matter if I even see the sun. Besides, sunlight gives me a headache when it's too bright. Yeah, I'm a little weird.

Apparantly, there are several places in the United States that do not observe Daylight Saving. These include: Hawaii, American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, the Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands, and Arizona. (Note to husband: Let's move to Hawaii!!)

(Note to employer: I really don't sleep at my desk much, really I don't. On Monday, don't come by my desk until well after noon please because, uh, that's my naptime I have a conference call.)


  1. Thank you for visiting my blog. The whole daylight savings thing is a mess if you go to Lauglin Nevada and stay across the river in Bullhead City AZ. I think you are a hoot...I'll be back

  2. Woohoo! Congratulations to Grandma J for leaving my very first comment! I'm sorry you don't win a prize but it is much appreciated! I was getting lonely talking to myself over here.
