Left? Right? I am so confused!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Sometimes, You Just Can't Wait
Well, I guess a background check doesn't necessarily weed out the weirdos. Apparently, a female bus driver didn't see any problem with parking her school bus in a residential neighborhood, relieving herself in a plastic bag, and tossing it out on the lawn. Once? Nope! Twice? Nope! Many, many times. Luckily, people in the neighborhood got tired up picking up after her (yuck!) and managed to catch her on video. Needless to say, she is no longer an employee of this company.
Nasty, nasty, nasty. I would imagine this was not an easy task and would also imagine she wasn't, uh, how do I word this, 100% accurate in her aim. Not to mention the inability to wash her hands afterwards. Lovely.
Aren't you glad your children are not getting on this bus? Anyone want to vote for cameras on all school buses? Might not be a bad idea.
Aren't you glad your children are not getting on this bus? Anyone want to vote for cameras on all school buses? Might not be a bad idea.
If you don't see a video below and are interested in seeing it along with the article, you can see at Fox6now.com. For some reason, the video keeps on disappearing after I save it.
Vent Session,
Weird News,
What Were You Thinking
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wish List Wednesday
Okay, I am really in love with the item on today's wish list. I found this website a few months back and have wanted to buy something from them ever since. I love to decorate and I'm always looking for something a little different from the norm so when I saw these, I immediately wanted to buy one of each. What the heck am I talking about? Well, I am talking about wall decals. Some pretty awesome wall decals too.
Abstract designs
Glow in the Dark
Wall Clocks
So what do you think? I think they are awesome! You can get them in a bunch of different colors too. I really want that red clock. Hubby, are you listening? I want the red clock. There are many more designs on the website. Check them out at Dezign with a Z.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Fire Drills, High Heels and Flashing
Fire drills are a pain in the patootie. However, I realize that they are necessary so that everyone is aware of where to go in case of an emergency. That being said, they can really get on my nerves.
The only thing I like about fire drills is that we get a free cookie for our cooperation.
The end.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
School's Out for the Summer!
School's out for the summer! Yippie!!
Yikes! That lady is scary!
About two years ago, my husband and I decided to go back school, after many, many, many, many, many years. Too many to admit to here. It was a scary decision to make but with the economy tanking, we thought we both better have a backup plan in case we were out of a job without a college degree.
So, we have been back to school and it has been a struggle for some of the classes, being a little dusty with the whole studying and doing homework thing. I was not a fan of school back then and am still not a fan now but it is a necessary evil. I just keep the end result in mind when I am pulling my hair out during this process.
Yikes! That lady is scary!
Some of you will laugh when I tell you that we are only taking one class a semester but we wanted to start off slow to get back into the swing of things. Plus, we are grownups with grownup bills to pay and full time jobs. Also, school is expensive. Dang! Really expensive.
The only problem is that at this rate, we will be 92 when we finish. Well, not quite 92, but it sometimes feels that way. We figure, we will be done in 2013. However, that is only for the first degree. We then want to continue with the next degree. Uh, maybe we will be 92. Think anyone will hire us at 92?
The only problem is that at this rate, we will be 92 when we finish. Well, not quite 92, but it sometimes feels that way. We figure, we will be done in 2013. However, that is only for the first degree. We then want to continue with the next degree. Uh, maybe we will be 92. Think anyone will hire us at 92?
I don't know but I hope we look a little happier than this couple. Jeez. Crack a smile, will ya?
Anyway, our class just ended this week and we are excited about a little break before starting again. How come when I was younger, summer vacation seemed to last FOREVER but now it seems like it lasts about 10 days?
Attention young people: go to college straight after high school. You're brain tends to slow down as you get older and its takes a lot more work to learn new things and remember them.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wish List Wednesday
When I was a kid, a favorite pastime of mine was climbing trees. There was an awesome tree in the field behind my house that I spent many hours climbing. I would climb up to my favorite limb, which was a thick but not so sturdy branch, that was parallel to the ground. While sitting up there, I always wished that I could build a tree house in it. Never was my imagination this grand.
Oh, I want one of these! It has 6,000 square feet (that is not a typo) and a restaurant inside! How awesome is that? Unfortunately, it costs about $7 million. So much for that idea.
Yellow Treehouse Restaurant (New Zealand)
This one is actually a restaurant but look how cool it is. If I had a tree house that looked like this, I would be a happy camper.
4Treehouse (Lake Muskoka, Ontario)
This is a two-ton, two-story, 410-square-foot tree house that is suspended 20 feet above the ground with steel airline cables. I am in love with the neat light effects.
God's Treehouse (Crossville, TN)
Now, this is one is the world's largest tree house with ten floors and 8,000 to 10,000 square feet. How is that even possible? Oh, I'm in love. I could imagine myself waking up every morning in this one. Except, I would need maids because I certainly wouldn't to have to keep it clean.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Childhood Memories - Source of Entertainment
I was a weird kid but after speaking with my husband about this, he was weird too because he did something similar. That's probably why we are together. It's the whole "birds of feather..." thing, I guess.
Anyway, when I was younger, probably about 5 or 6, I got a real kick out of viewing my kitchen upside down. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Yeah, whatever. Don't spoil my fond memory, please.
We had orange, cushy chairs in the kitchen (this was the 70's people) that would spin around. Very similar to these but bright orange:
I would lie on my back, stare up at the ceiling and pretend that the ceiling was the floor and vice versa. I would imagine walking around on the ceiling, opening up the cabinet doors and walking through doorways to other rooms. However, I could never figure out how I would use the sink without making a mess.
This would last about 30 seconds (remember I was 5 or 6 and my attention span was rather short). Then, I would flip over on my stomach and start to spin the chair around until everything got really blurry. I would use the legs of the chair to push myself faster and faster. If I would have fallen off at any point, I would have gone flying across the room. (My mother thinks that I actually did fly off a few times and hit my head. She says this would explain a few things. My mother thinks she's a comedian sometimes.)
Dramatization of what could have happened.
Note: As you look at this picture, you will see two things. 1) Even as I fly across the room, I do it with style, waving as I fly by. 2) I still have my McDonald's uniform on. My mother put me to work young to contribute to the family money pool. It was okay though because I could eat French fries all night long (I had to work the night shift because I had to go to school).
This spinning around would last a few minutes until my stomach started to get upset with me (after eating French fries all night, yours would too). I would then get up, try to walk without falling, and go to the living room to sit down until I felt better.
Usually, it would take about 10 to 15 minutes for the nausea to fade and then I would start the process all over again. It was a blast!
What can I say? It didn't take much to entertain me then. It still doesn't.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Creative Marketing
Apparently a furniture store in Albuquerque, New Mexico, thought that the best way to attract customers to their store would be to have a pit full of alligators. They failed to realize that people might be offended or their children might be traumatized when they started to feed the alligators mice and bunny rabbits. To give them a little credit, customers were given a warning prior to tossing in the little bunnies.
While I understand the alligators need to eat, and I'm no marketing genius, I would think that this may not have been the best idea.
Since this was a family-friendly event with rides and exhibits for the kids, they might have made it a little more kid-friendly.
This would have been a little more fun to watch. Run, bunny, run!!
Note: This little bunny was Photoshopped (is this a word?) into this picture of the weird man. No bunnies were in danger at any time in the making of this demonstration. Now that I think about it, I'm really curious about this weird man and the story behind this picture.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Amazing Race
The Amazing Race just ended this past Sunday and I was thinking about a few things. I think I would like to try out for this show. I believe I would have a really good chance at winning.
Well, except that I am afraid of heights so I wouldn't do well at climbing buildings or zip lining over the treetops. Oh, I also wouldn't do well with eating anything gross so I wouldn't be able to stomach things like cow tongues, beetles or spinach. I'm not too good with directions either so there might be issues with getting lost a few times. Also, I probably wouldn't do well at running or doing anything strenuous because I hate to exercise and I'm really lazy.
Other than that, I would be able to handle everything else. I would do really well with getting on a plane, traveling all around the world and winning one million dollars. I think I would be perfect for the show! What do you think?
Monday, May 10, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!
Yeah, I know it was yesterday. But, I was spending time with my mother so I have a good excuse for the tardiness of this post. I just wanted to wish every mother out there a Happy Mother's Day!
It's days like this that really make me think about the important role mother's play in shaping one's life. It makes me think about how selfless my mother was for the sacrifices she made for her children. It makes me think about how strong she was for us after my father died when I was 14 years old. It makes me think about how brave she was to have to raise four children on her own.
It makes me appreciate that she was a strict parent, even though I didn't like it at the time, in order to raise honorable and decent human beings. It makes me appreciate that she grounded me for disobeying her rules (and I was grounded a lot!) because she was trying to teach her children right from wrong. It makes me appreciate all of her parenting methods, even though we butted heads on many occasions, because everything she did was for my benefit.
It makes me realize that she is now in her 70's and I need to spend more time with her while I still can. It makes me realize that I need to not let life get in the way of taking time to call her just to say hi. It makes me realize that I do not want to have any regrets when she is no longer here. It makes me realize that I need to think about all of these things more than just one day a year because it is Mother's Day.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Silly Sign Sunday - Watch Your Children!
Watch out for children sleeping in the middle of the road? Is this really a common problem here? What kind of a place is this? Seriously, I really want to know!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Wish List Wednesday
Have you ever stubbed your toe on your way to sneaking a midnight snack?
Have you ever run into the wall on your way to the restroom in the middle of night because you guzzled too much beer before going to bed? What? Just me? Yeah, whatever.
Have you ever stepped on your poor cat's tail because you couldn't see it while you were creeping around?
Have you ever been walking outside at night when you suddently fell flat on your face because you didn't see that huge hole in the ground? No? Just me again? Well, here is the perfect solution!
Teva Illum sandals
You can now have flashlights on your feet! These nifty sandals have detachable LED lights that attach to the straps. You will now be able to see exactly where you are going. They will be available to purchase May 11th from Teva for $60. You toes and your cat will appreciate it!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Chicken vs. Tourists
My husband and I ran into many different animals when we vacationed in Hawaii a few years ago. We had frequent birds landing on our lanai in the mornings looking for food. It might have been the pieces of bread and Doritos we left out to coax them but who knows.
At night, we would go searching for frogs around our condo. Mostly, there were adult ones but occasionally we would find a few little stinkers hopping around. Aren't they cute?
The other frequent visitors around the condo were snails. Huge snails! Look at the size of these things! Holy cow! I have never seen a snail that large before. We probably found about 20-30 of them every night we looked.
This beautiful peacock was one of many that we came across during a tour of a botanical garden. They were just freely walking around like they owned the place. They pretty much did though, since all the people would move out of their way as they walked around. When we tried to leave, there was one that refused to move out of the way of our car. After about 20 minutes, we realized that it was looking at itself in the reflection of our car. Talk about conceited!
We also saw this little guy there. Although, it did not look like he appreciated us being there. He was giving us a dirty look and watching our every move as we walked by.
My husband and I are animal lovers. Not crazy animal lovers but we respect the fact that we share this Earth with them and don't do anything intentionally to hurt them. They can be fascinating to watch. However, on this trip, we ran into one animal that we were not too fond of.
We had pulled over to the side of the road along The Road to Hana and noticed a trail that we wanted to explore. As we walked up to trail, we noticed there was a chicken standing right in the middle of it.
The minute our eyes met, I knew we were in trouble. I can remember those beady, little, evil eyes like it was yesterday. As soon as we got within 15 feet of that satanic chicken, it started freaking out by clucking, wildly flapping its wings, and darting back and forth like crazy. We stopped in our tracks and so did it. We would take one step forward and it would start freaking out again. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
Now, this trail was only about three feet wide so there was no way we could get around the chicken so we needed it to move in order to get through. I have seen too many “when animals attack” movies to know that I was not getting near that thing. However, I was ready to fight if I had to. I was going to get past it even if it killed me!
We really didn’t know what to do. It wasn’t budging and neither were we. We were expecting that at any moment, the chicken was going to charge at us and peck our eyes out! We didn’t have any weapons but my purse was pretty heavy and I was prepared use it if I had to. Like I said, we love animals but if it came down to me or the chicken, we were going to be eating well that night. (Just kidding, we wouldn’t really eat the chicken, it being possessed and everything.) Finally, about 15 minutes into the standoff, the killer chicken gave up and ran away. We were victorious!
I don’t think it actually went anywhere though. I could feel its beady eyes watching me the whole time we were on the trail. I think it was stalking us from the bushes. I swear it was!
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